Quantum Healing in EESystem & Chakra Singing Bowls

By Walk In Peace Today (other events)

Friday, March 22 2024 7:00 PM 8:00 PM EDT

First-time Crystal Singing Bowls will be presented in our Energy Enhancement System Center.  

This will be an amazing quantum event that you won't want to miss. 

The frequency of the crystal bowls playing will enhance the energy and frequencies that are present during your energy enhancement session.  

Jamie Zazzara will join us on March 22, at 7 pm to present the crystal singing bowls in our EESystem Center.

If you wish to pay in cash you will avoid the processing fee. Please advise us to hold your space for you before 3-20-24  contact us at 848-223-4642 

We have two options for you,

one is a reclining chair at the cost of $77.  (quantity of 6 available)

secondary option, you can bring your yoga mat and blankets for your comfort and join us at a reduced price of $65. (quantity 5)

The cost of one hour in the energy enhancement center is $75.00 we are offering the hour with the enhancement of the crystal bowls at the above-referenced pricing. 

The frequency of the crystal bowls playing will enhance the energy and frequencies that are present during your energy enhancement session. 

Reinvigorate your body while rejuvenating your senses by using the world's most scientifically and clinically verified True Bio-Scalar Technology. Recharge your core energy base in minutes, Reverse aging.  Reduce stress on the first visit.  Rid your body of inflammation and nagging ailments, by giving your body the energy to heal itself.


The Energy Enhancement SystemTM (EESystemTM) generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including “scalar waves” which can allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.

This stunning technology, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D., DNM, DCSJl, uses custom-installed computers to generate morphogenic energy fields that can promote healing. The EESystem has been recognized at dozens of medical, scientific, and professional conferences around the world.

The Energy Enhancement System has been installed throughout the United States and internationally to promote wellness, healing, relaxation, purification, and rejuvenation. This ecologically & environmentally safe system is used by individuals, doctors, and therapists as well as Meditation and Wellness Centers to improve human development and psychological well-being.

The Energy Enhancement System combines Body, Mind, Spirit, and Science to help you achieve peak performance and reach higher states of health, consciousness, and self-actualization. The future is here

Walk In Peace Today

Mailing Address

2494 Moore Road, Suite 4